
Moments that Matter – Moxie’s Teachings
Moments that Matter – Moxie’s Teachings

The Year of Endings


It is officially the last day of this Year. The time is now 12:22 am on December 31,2023. This Year has taught me about endings. Many lives ended this Year, and I was part of these endings. People dear to my heart, dogs, and cats that I loved and still love so much, left this physical world. I had the honour, privilege, and opportunity to be there for all of them when they closed this chapter. As heartbreaking as it was in that moment, I see it now, with my heart’s eyes what an amazing gift they all gave me: the gift of understanding, the gift of love, the gift of pausing. When a physical life ends, it is the same for all of us, humans, and animals alike. Some things stop. Time freezes and there is a calmness and peace that I felt being around the ones that passed, human or animal. I had a chance to be part of their pain, regrets, tears but also part of their joys, smiles and tender moments when we were holding hands or hugging. None of my friends talked about titles, possessions, or money, but all of them talked about their experiences, the people that matter in their lives and things they created with them. None of the pets that passed got excited about a five-hundred-dollar bed, but boy, did they ever get excited about their squeaky toy or their favourite treat. I got to be with my friends during their most vulnerable moments, during the time when they depended on others for most of their needs. And what a different world that was! Nothing at that time was rushed anymore, everything felt like a slow-motion movie, surreal and unbelievable, with many of them stepping in and out of the physical world for different periods of time. Until they stepped out fully. Peacefully. I am grateful for being part of some endings. They showed me what is truly important to me, the life I want to live, the “no-rush” Universe I want to be part of. These endings made me realize, yet again, how Mother Nature heals in such a beautiful way and how precious our time is, here on Earth.

Endings happen so that we experience a new life, a new beginning, a new joy. Here or somewhere else. Alone or with others that feel the same way. May this Year end pain and suffering for all, may it end doubt and fear, may it end hate, judgement, and resentment. May all these endings allow all of us smooth sailing on the sea of joy, love, empathy, and unity. May we appreciate, love each other more in the Year to come, may we make more time for each other and for ourselves. May we be at peace with all the endings and rejoice all new beginning. May we accept.

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